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ETS2——西巴尔干 - 建筑工地 & 材料商店

发表时间:2023-06-17 22:23:51 来源:哔哩哔哩

西巴尔干 - 建筑工地 & 材料商店







想要了解一些西巴尔干最新建成的基础设施吗?不妨看看我们最近关于桥梁的文章,其中包含近期完工的佩列沙茨大桥。我们仍在努力工作以完成这项即将到来的DLC的开发工作,大家可以通过将西巴尔干DLC添加至你们的 Steam 愿望单以支持我们。这真的对我们的项目很有帮助,如果你们已经添加的话,非常感谢!在下次到来之前,我们路上见!

West Balkans - Construction Sites & Material Stores

The West Balkans region is experiencing a construction boom, with ambitious projects reshaping its urban landscapes. From revitalizing historic sites to constructing modern infrastructure, the region is embracing construction as a driver of economic growth. 

With each building rising skyward, there is an ever-growing demand for more materials, tools and equipment to support these projects, and that's where you come in! 

In our upcoming West Balkans DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, you'll find new construction site depots across a few different cities. From various buildings to wind farms, there'll be no shortage of jobs for truckers in this part of the world. 

Just as important as the active construction sites themselves are the depots which provide the necessary equipment and materials needed for the job. Players will be able to pick up loads from material store depots, such as warehouses and shops with the necessary cargo needed for the receiver. 

Our asset team has also been hard at work constructing and creating new assets for these depots, to really bring them to life. We hope you enjoy the work and detail that has been put into this booming industry in the West Balkans. 

Fancy reading up on some the newest infrastructure to be completed in the West Balkans? Why not check out our recent blog on Bridges, which contains the recently constructed Pelješac Bridge. While we're still hard at work completing this upcoming DLC, you can also help out by adding the West Balkans DLC to your Steam Wishlist. It really helps support our projects, so thank you if you already have. We'll see you on the roads until next time! 


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